
Asst. Prof. Pakawat Chatriyanuyoke was invited as a guest speaker in International Meeting for German Dental Implant Association in Zurs, Austria under the topic “Immediate Implant in Infected Sites: Is it for real?” on February 8-15, 2014.

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Asst. Prof. Pakawat Chatriyanuyoke gave a lecture for dentists in Phuket under the topic “Integrating surgical, periodontal, & restorative rationale for anterior implant esthetics” on May 17, 2014.  

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Asst. Prof. Pakawat Chatriyanuyoke was invited as a guest speaker for Orthodontic Society and Research of Thailand under the topic “Orthodontics Space Management for Dental Implant” on May 1-2, 2014.

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Asst. Prof. Pakawat Chatriyanuyoke was invited as a keynote speaker in International Meeting for The 2nd Thai-German International Dental Implant Congress under the topic “Anterior implant esthetics: Just make it simple!” with world-renowned speakers on January 3-6, 2014.

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Asst. Prof. Pakawat Chatriyanuyoke was invited as a guest speaker for International Bone & Tissue day in Bangkok under the topic “Immediate Implant in Infected Sites: Myth or Fact?” on September 13-14, 2013.  

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Asst. Prof. Pakawat Chatriyanuyoke gave a lecture for dental students for study club by Dental vision under the topic “Increasing Keratinized Gingiva around Dental Implant: What?, When?, & How?” on September 25, 2013.

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